Cane Toads in Florida
Peter Wengerski Peter Wengerski

Cane Toads in Florida

Cane toads possess specialized glands on the back of their heads that release toxic substances known as bufotoxins. These toxins act as a defense mechanism against potential predators. Unfortunately, the toxin can prove deadly to animals who come into contact with it, resulting in respiratory distress, cardiac arrhythmias and even death.

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The Importance of Work Site Safety
worksite safety Peter Wengerski worksite safety Peter Wengerski

The Importance of Work Site Safety

As responsible professionals, we must prioritize the safety of our work environments. Whether you're engaging in construction, manufacturing or any other industry, work site safety is of the utmost importance. Creating a safe and healthy workplace not only protects the lives and well-being of employees but also enhances productivity. Let’s explore the reasons why work site safety should be the most important part of every organization's culture.

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Low Voltage Lighting System 101
Peter Wengerski Peter Wengerski

Low Voltage Lighting System 101

One of the primary benefits of low voltage lighting is its enhanced safety. With the reduced voltage, the risk of electrical shock is significantly minimized, making it an ideal choice for outdoor installations. This feature makes low voltage lighting particularly desirable in areas where moisture is prevelant, such as our outdoor landscapes here in Florida.

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